Bang Bang Cauliflower
Love Bang Bang Shrimp from Bonefish Grill? You will love this recipe. Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons sweet chili sauce...
Love Bang Bang Shrimp from Bonefish Grill? You will love this recipe. Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons sweet chili sauce...
Creamy Potato Chickpea Spinach soup with Veggies. Vegan Gluten-free, Soy-free, Oil-free Recipe. This meal is packed with flavor and great...
Potato, Spinach and Sausage Soup. You are going to love this vegan and gluten-free soup! Similar to Olive Garden’s zuppa toscana. Try...
This slow cooker meal is packed with flavor. Ingredients 1 large cauliflower, leaves and stems trimmed 1 red pepper, seeded and thinly...
This delicious pasta dinner is a healthy meal and a real time saver! The veggies, chickpea pasta, and creamy vegan tomato cream sauce...
This one pot spaghetti is perfect for lazy days! You dump everything in the post and that's it. Total cook time is 17 minutes including...
This vegetable stir-fry is vegan, oil-free and gluten free. a stir-fry is an oldie but goodie. This is another way to try it out. The...
Easy protein-rich, and hearty chili. Prep time 15 mins, cook on low heat or high heat depending on your time restraint. I cut the recipe...
This easy Vegetable Jambalaya has amazing flavor with a bit of spice. And it‘s cooked in one pot. Add additional spices as needed. We all...
This Slow Cooker Butternut Squash is made with red lentils, chunks of butternut squash and baby spinach. -It's an easy one-pot meal!...
Slow cooker stuffed peppers are colorful and delicious. You can choose any color of your choice. If your not a fan of black beans you can...
This is perfect when its cold out. Its perfect warm and cozy meal. It's packed with protein and fiber, is naturally detoxifying,...
This meal is quick for a busy evening, packed with favor Ingredients 3 cups butternut squash, cubed 3 cups Brussels sprouts, halved 1/2...
This quick and easy meal, is powerful in flavor. Don't get discouraged by the ingredients, this dish is really tasty and packed with...
A healthy, flavorful mix of stir fried mushroom, bell peppers and basil paired with a grain of choice. Ingredients 8 oz. mushrooms,...
This easy vegan jambalaya is made with a spicy mixture of brown rice, red beans and bell peppers. It cooks up quick and easy on the...
This creamy sweet potato and red lentil curry takes around 30 minutes to cook and is the perfect cozy recipe! It's vegan, gluten-free and...
These tender roasted Kung Pao Brussels Sprouts are tossed with spicy chili sauce They work great as a side or served over rice. I tried...
This dish is quick and easy, and full of flavor. You get a mexican flavor with a hint of sweet potato. When you top these with hot sauce,...
This one Pot Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff is a healthy & hearty twist on a classic Stroganoff! Ingredients 1 Small Yellow Onion 10 oz...