What I Can Do For You
My experiences in fitness training include a focus on Muscle Building. The unique program I’ve developed will help burn calories, boost the metabolism, and improve your overall health. A combination of strategic exercises as well as a healthy diet will have you in tip top shape.
Cardio Fitness
(Running or Walking)
Tired of sitting all day in the office? Do your body a favor and get your blood pumping. Health and fitness is as much about what your body looks like on the outside as it is about how it functions on the inside. Your heart is a muscle, too, and my workouts will get your heart-rate up. Your body will thank you for it!
Small Group Training
Small group training presents the opportunity for clients to experience the benefits of the creativity and motivation of a trainer while lowering the financial cost of one-on-one training. During small group training, the trainer still has the ability to correctly supervise movement and make little corrections along the way. Small group training is big enough to be fun, but small enough to still be quality.
Online Personal Training
We offer online training for all levels and fitness styles. Having an online personal trainer deliver a workout program to you electronically means that you can access your workout whenever and wherever you want. This option is great for frequent travelers, those who prefer solo workouts or do not want to be restricted by their local gym’s hours of operation.
Online training includes:
Contact with your trainer via in-app text messaging
4-week training plans with multiple tier packages
Detailed break down of sets, reps, and rest times
Detailed exercise descriptions with short videos
Progress monitoring, weekly check-ins, adjustments & changes as needed